Monday, May 28, 2012

Broadcasters Warn of Apocalypse in Dish's Ad-Skipping Service

Broadcasters Warn of Apocalypse in Dish's Ad-Skipping Service

Broadcasters are claiming in federal lawsuits Thursday that Dish Network's DVR service, which allows the automatic skipping of commercials, breaches copyright law and retransmission agreements. The suits by Fox, CBS and NBC are the broadcasters' latest legal salvos against technological innovations, as those advances bring into question whether broadcasters' longstanding business model can survive the digital age.


  1. After having used Auto Hop for a week or so now, and just like every other consumer, I’ve been looking forward to something like this for as long as I’ve been watching TV. I’ve got a full-time job at Dish, a wife and a family to take care of; so it’s nice, knowing that I can watch my favorite shows commercial free if I want to.

  2. That's fine, Elias, and thank you for being upfront about the fact that you're a Dish employee. The problem is, if a critical mass of people use Auto Hop, then companies are going to quit buying advertising spots on TV shows. And if the TV networks and production companies don't pull in ad revenue, then they simply can't afford to produce TV shows anymore. And if they can't afford to make shows, then people are going to stop watching TV. And if people stop watching TV, then they're going to unsubscribe from Dish Network, and you're going to lose that cushy, family-supporting job of yours. This affects you more directly than it affects me. I'd think you'd be more concerned about what your own company is doing to you.
